Cat 730
Cat 740
Cat 740GC
Cat 745
Cat 775
Cat 621
Cat 651
Volvo A40G
Volvo A45G
Cat 730C Watertank
Capacity:.25,000 Litres
Cat 740B Watertank
Capacity: 32,000 Litres
Cat 740GC Watertank
Capacity: 30,500 Litres
Cat 745 Watertank
Capacity: 33,660 Litres
Cat 775 Watertank
Capacity: 48,000 Litres
Cat 621 Watertank
Capacity: 30,000 Litres
Cat 651 Watertank
Capacity: 50,000 Litres
Volvo A40G Watertank
Capacity: 32,400 Litres
Cat 621 Watertank - In Action
Cat 374 Hyd. Cab Access
Cat D10 Platform
Cat 657G Rear Maintenance Access
Cat 777E Hyd. Cab Access
Cat 16M Rear Cab Access
Cat 330 Amphibious Platform and Access
Cat 330 Amphibious Platform and Access
Access Solutions
Dump Trucks
Other Solutions
Tree Spears, Stick Rakes and Scrub Canopies
Bucket Restoration and Wear liner kits
Dump Body and Scraper Body Wear Liners
Dump Body Tailgates
Custom Projects - Enquire today
Cat 990 Bucket Liner
Excavator Bucket Liner
Hitachi EX1200 Bucket Wearkit - Progress Shot
Hitachi EX1200 Bucket Wearkit - Progress Shot
Hitachi EX1200 Bucket Wearkit - Finished
Cat D8 Stickrake, Treespear and Canopy
Cat D8 Stickrake, Treespear and Canopy
Cat 777F Tailgate
Hole Cover - Transport
Hole Cover - Assembled
Custom Welding Trailer
Custom Built Roller Deployment Trailer